.Sdrawrof ton, sdrawkcab ti daer dna redluohs ruoy revo ecnalg ot evah uoy semitemos, efil dnatsrednu ot .Efil ot gninaem evig ro efil fo gninaem eht dnif ot yrt yeht os dna .Dootsrednu eb nac hcihw gnihtemos naht elbatpecca erom si dootsrednu eb tonnac hcihw gnihtemos dna .Ecnelis ni pu depparw yretsym a si ti .Fo liat ro daeh edam eb tonnac efil taht tcaf eht morf devired si trofmoc fi sa tsomla sti .Ylisae os yawa denialpxe eb tonnac ti .Detpecca reven si suoivbo eht ?Efil fo sgninaem neddih fo reyal nopu reyal eht ot noitulos a dnif dna yretsym eht levarnu nac yeht mialc enoyna erad woh .desilanoitar si efil fo gninaem eht fi lufnis neve larutannu si ti .esnes on sekam yticilpmis sti ni efil


Anonymous said...

jeeeeezzz...u actually had time to do this sweetie??!

Ace of Spades said...

yo anon, it hardly takes any time to write. what takes time is explaining to everyone how to read the damn blog :)

Ace of Spades said...
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Ace of Spades said...

hi Patient Portnoy,
kccb gnimoc peek. redaer raluger a eru ekil smees :)

word-viz said...

tsop ru erugif ot gnol sith em nekat sti dna hseehs!!!!!ti nradhsog.....
etir ti teg i did???
knird a rof em teem annog u etir ti did i fi zoc!!

Ace of Spades said...

ypou got it right preeti. now stick with me as i try to keep my mind active as well ... :)